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I wrote these scripts to perform housekeeping chores and preventative maintenance for Cyberdog and Mac OS to stay healthy together. What my scripts *do* is in the name of the script. Find more of my 'comments' by opening any script using the Script Editor and looking at the Description box.
- Paul Lindblad

Cyberdog/OpenDoc-oriented AppleScripts
Freeware Downloads:

Build Editor Databases repairs a variety of Cyberdog problems, especially: shared library error Type -2817 which appears when OpenDoc's editor cache gets corrupt. (Thanks to Brad Hutchings). Other fixes to the shared library error are having present: MRJ and Apple Applet viewer or neither. (Thanks to Jon D. Sanford). Remove duplicate or older versions of library or applications (such as OpenDoc). (Thanks to Frank Mason).

The script rebuilds Editors databases upon the Editor Setup Control Panel opening (rebuilding is triggered by modification date changes from creating and deleting folders in the Editors folder and by deleting invisible ODCacheFiles).

Build_Editor_Databases prompts you to delete OpenDoc Prefs (once deleted, the freshly generated OpenDoc Prefs defaults the Editor Setup Control Panel), allows you to customize Cyberdog and OpenDoc Memory settings, displays the correct settings for you change the Editor Setup Control Panel for enabling live streaming in QuickTime 4.x and to view web page HTML in Cyberdog.

Install IPIV & A automates installation of the Internet Plug-In Viewer & Adapter (PPC). For those instances the Viewer & Adapter gets corrupted or for when you want to make a fresh install. The Viewer & Adapter enables QuickTime live streams in Cyberdog and other OpenDoc parts. Download QuickTime 3 and QuickTime 4 movie examples which you can add to your Notebooks and open QuickTime live streams in Cyberdog without running the QuickTime player.

Groom the Dog deletes contents of News Enclosures, replicate OpenDoc stationery docs, Cyberdog Cache and it's contents, and news files of CyberNews and Cyberdog Temp folders. The effects of any deletion are described in the prompts. All Mail Tray files (in the Finder - whose name ends with .index) are deleted to maintain Cyberdog's email part and the VTwin search engine. Any item in this script you choose to delete will not cause Cyberdog to quit.

Check the Dog Mail
Check the Dog Mail Lite

Dog Mail Interval Check

Try out all three and see which one suits you the best! The Dog Mail Check series of AppleScripts establishes a PPP connection, checks mail using Cyberdog, and waits for the mail check to finish. You may cancel the script, get a connection status update or disconnect PPP.

You can check the status of a PPP session including bytes in & bytes out. The bytes in and bytes out values are updated every 20 seconds but the change in bytes are not an accurate barometer of actual mail messages received or sent.

These four conditions are accommodated:
1) PPP is open, you wish to check mail and leave the connection open.
2) PPP is open, you wish to check mail and close the connection.
3) PPP is closed, you wish to check mail and leave the connection open.
4) PPP is closed, you wish to check mail and close the connection.

You may open this script using the Script Editor and change the property line to have my script check the Cyberdog Mail on any interval of time (in seconds) that you select. I set it to check every 5 minutes (for testing purposes).

Apple Data Detectors Actions

Put these Actions: Lookup Zipcode for US City and Get Map of Selected US City in Apple Data Detectors:Action Folder. These two actions are customized Geographic Data Detectors actions (actually AppleScripts) to work in Cyberdog running Mac OS 8.6 and perhaps earlier and later. If the name of your boot volume name is different than "Macintosh Hard Drive", then you must change it's name in the Lookup Zipcode for US City script (by opening the script using Script Editor) to match your boot volume's given name. But first - install Data Detectors.

Get Cyberdog (and your Mac OS) ready for the new millennium

Anytime you want to see if Cyberdog is correctly setup (especially for OS 8.x and later) run Cyberdog Checks (was previously named AS(tm) OSL MM Check) Run this script before you install OS 8.6 to put folder AppleScript(TM) out of harm's way. Also run this script after you install OpenDoc and Cyberdog (on top of OS 8.5 and OS 8.6) to detect the presence of the Memory Manager extension. A prompt is provided to delete obsolete items which can lead to crashes while making futile link attempts to Apple's defunct server.

ObjectSupportLib will be deleted if OS 8.x is running. Cyberdog Guide is moved out of Cyberdog 2.0 Folder to restore the feature Show Mail Tray by keying Apple-option. A check is made for OS 8.6's version of VT102Font (which avoids OS 8.6 font corruption).

This script runs a check for Text Encoding Converter 1.3 residing in Cyberdog 2.0 Folder and the most current TEC version in Extensions so that email umlauts are correctly translated for newsgroup reading by users (of OS 8.6 and earlier). Internet Config (the application) was replaced by the Internet Control Panel in OS 8.5 and later. A prompt is given to close the IC application (if it's open) to avoid OS conflicts.

For Y2K compliance, a prompt is given to find and apply John Moreno's Y2K patch downloaded from here..

When Cyberdog crash-lands

It seems the plethora of applescripts which delete various Cyberdog Preferences were written for Cyberdog versions prior to 2.0. I reached that conclusion after observing the Temp's 'X' files, CyberCookies and Cache DB were replaced when Cyberdog quits and re-runs after crash landings - by opening the Cyberdog Preferences folder and opening each subfolder via 'turning the triangle down'.

My finding: if you do not delete the 'X-xxxxxxx' files in the Temp folder, Cyberdog will take an increased rate of soft landings.

AppleScript Apres Cyberdog Crash deletes 'X-xxxxxxx' files (if detected) causing Cyberdog to quit and effectively:
1) purges CyberCookies and Cyberdog Cache DB - recreating entirely new preference files.
2) erases the Temp folder's 'X' files & 'news' files, and
3) erases the Cleanup At Startup folder's pesky 'JMAlloc' file.

Cyberdog will delete the Log if it senses the Log is corrupt - that is to say: too big, if more than 100 cyberitems. Making use of the Menu Events INIT, I included Cyberdog's prompt asking if you want to delete the Log anyway. Finally, Cyberdog re-opens to your Default Notebook.

Delete AMO Pref & TCP DNR prompts you to rid your OS of possibly corrupt Mac TCP DNR files and bloated Apple Menu Options Preferences and Recent Items folders. Mac TCP DNR was the previous internet linking Control Panel before Open Transport replaced it. Apple coders have overlooked removing the regenerating MacTCP DNR. The Apple Menu Options control panel opens for you to deselect the option: Remember recently used items: which (along with purging the Mac TCP DNR file) adds to general OS stability. This script is compatible with Mac OS 8.0 and later.

Peter Gort's AppleScripts for Cyberdog

Cyberdog maintenance. Gort's site had shown ReadMes, but I didn't have time to reconstruct the original pages. You have to download them to see the ReadMes in the Description box of the script.

For some of his scripts you need Dialog Director. Dialog Dumper, a Dialog Director v0.7 droplet; requires additional applications: Resource Utilities (included with Dialog Director), Jons Commands and Programmers Tool (pgmTool)

Create streaming Internet Plug-in Viewer Documents

Somewhat correlated to OuickTime version upgrades, from time to time Apple seems to break the links on Streaming QT TV links (which the Internet Plug-in Viewer depends on) such as the BBC.

Here's the process for making an updated Internet Plug-in Viewer streaming document from the QuickTime player rendition.
1) Go to
QuickTime TV and click on the BBC streaming icon or 'Play Now' button. QT Player opens and BBC streams.

2) Click on the streaming image and drag it to the desktop. Rename the resultant 'Movie Clipping 1' file to ''.

3) Drag the file '' on an open Cyberdog Notebook. It's resulting icon looks like a segment of film.

4) Open the '' Notebook Cyberitem. Select 'Cyberdog:File:Save a Copy...' as an Open Doc Document. You can append a dot od to the file name to mark it as an Open Doc document. Now you have the first generation streaming Internet Plug-in Viewer Document named ''.

5) Open the same Internet Plug-in Viewer Document and size and position the streaming window on your desktop. Key an Apple-S to save your changes and Open Doc will remember them whenever you re-open the file '' of your creation.


Last Updated 10-25-2004
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